Friday, April 22, 2011

Michael Kors Hamilton

Ok ..So I have been eyeing this baby for a while now and I finally purchased it! It is such beautiful classic bag & elegant. No matter what your wearing whether your going to workout or your in shitty clothes or your going out for the night if you have this bag , it still leaves you speechless. This purse reminds me alot of the Hermes bags but for a way better price than 3,000 buckaroos. Although it wasn't cheap, the purse runs for $328.00 but I guess it's way better than 3 grand slams. I was torn between which color to get it was the black one vs. nude orangy color but the black one was mesmerizing, I couldn't resist. They recently came out with a quilted version  similar to Chanel style. And I just saw the the new bag it is gourge! They also have a smaller style. Untill later Fashionistas! Stay Fantabulous!

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